Walking the Walk and Talking the (PR) Talk

As a marketing and communications firm, we’ll be honest, we utilize most of our energy and creative focus on our clients. We don’t rest until the press, analysts, investors, partners, and entire industry believes in their product or service as much as we do. This means that we often do not get the time to focus on getting attention ourselves. BUT…we also believe you shouldn’t use a penniless financial planner nor a communications firm without a bit of acclaim.

In accordance with this view, we wanted to take a moment tso show off some light work we’ve done to help educate the industry, bring new communications techniques to the forefront and present a bit of our own leadership. Below, find our stats and a bit of our own acclaim.

Our stats:

-We’ve launched over 35 startups, many of those we have taken through either 8 or 9 figure exits. 

-We’ve assisted over 16 fortune 500 brands.

-We’ve been featured in journalist driven press articles on 219 differing occasions.

-We’ve contributed over 100+ bylines to industry and mass market publications.

-We can count eight differing award wins over history across the company and team.

-14 Keynote speakerships delivered.

-23 Panel sessions participated in.

Some Featured Research:

Augmented Reality: www.forbes.com/sites/michaelhumphrey/2016/09/26/pokemon-go-user-survey-marketing-via-augmented-reality-will-be-complex

Blockchain Marketers: https://www.exchangewire.com/blog/2017/07/06/blockchain-can-revolutionise-marketing-us-leads-europe-smart-home-development/

China’s Digital Affluent: https://jingdaily.com/chinese-rich-mobile-boosts-individualism/

Ad Fraud : https://www.mediapost.com/publications/article/258668/6-billion-lost-to-fraudulent-ad-spend.html

Some General Press

Ad Fraud: https://www.inc.com/bill-carmody/problematic-programmatic-media-buying.html

The Reinvention of PR: https://tech.co/startups-reinventing-ancient-industries-2016-05

Digital Video: https://www.theguardian.com/media-network/media-network-blog/2014/jan/17/three-factors-scupper-online-video-advertising

Startup Advice: https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/296677

Work/Life/Fun: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2015-02-12/nine-professionals-on-their-workday-breaks

Recruiting Thoughts: http://www.foxbusiness.com/features/2017/07/12/6-employers-weigh-in-on-benefits-and-drawbacks-boomerang-employees.html

Some Thought Leadership Bylines:

General PR: https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/269920

Advice for Startups: https://thenextweb.com/entrepreneur/2016/08/22/is-telecommuting-killing-your-startup/#.tnw_jNX1gH0t

Branded Data: http://www.prnewsonline.com/earning-branded-content

Native Advertising: https://nativeadvertisinginstitute.com/blog/use-native-advertising-amplify-content/

Check out some more in our expertise sheet!